Study on oviducal mast cells in oviducal pregnancy 输卵管妊娠时输卵管壁肥大细胞的研究
Result There were 42 cases cured ( 61.77%), among them 32 cases with first grade and I degree of oviducal obstruction, 17 of pregnancy, and 19 relieved ( 27.94%). 结果42例治愈,占61.77%,其中有32例为1级Ⅰ度阻塞,17例怀孕;好转19例,占27.94%。
All 18 cases were pregnant, in which 17 cases were normal uterine pregnancy and 1 case oviducal pregnancy. 全部患者获得妊娠,宫内妊娠者17例(观察至妊娠3月,均正常),输卵管妊娠1例。